'Empower Me Within'
A powerful 8 week program suitable for girls aged 8-12 years.
If you'd like your daughter to learn how to become confident, calm, resilient & empowered from within, you're in the right place!
Soaring Self-Esteem
Roaring Resilience & an
Attitude of Gratitude?
Imagine your daughter thriving & blooming like a flower, radiating confidence, and soaring to new heights with courage & resilience.
1 in 3 teenage girls are battling with anxiety disorders and 1 in 7 primary school kids are struggling with their mental health. (Aust. Bureau of Statistics)
I believe PREVENTION is always better than a cure.
We don't wait until our daughter has a frightening experience with water before enrolling her in swimming lessons, we prevent it by having lessons first!

Teaching our daughters Self-Love helps them from drowning in other peoples opinions
Teaching our daughters Resilience helps them from drowning in their own failures
Teaching our daughters how to handle Anxiety is helps them from drowning in their mental health
Teaching our daughters Emotional Intelligence helps them from drowning in a tidal wave of emotional outbursts
Teaching our daughters Gratitude helps them from drowning in comparisonitis & instant gratification.
Teaching our daughters Mindfulness helps them from drowning in the constant busyness of life

My daughter constantly worries & suffers anxiety. How do I help?

My daughter has big emotions & little resilience. What do I do?

My daughter struggles with her self-esteem & body image. What do I say?

Hey there, I'm Angela!
I'm passionate about empowering women, tweens & teen girls to ditch self-doubt and soar with self-love!
Since 2014 I've worked with over 1000 tweens, teens & women in workshops, retreats & 1:1 sessions.
I'm a Certified Life Coach, Youth Mentor, Rites of Passage Facilitator & life long learner.
Let's empower our girls and raise strong women!
I myself grew up with low self-esteem and spent the majority of my teenage years feeling awkward, inadequate & lost.
I didn't feel pretty enough, smart enough, popular enough, wise enough, funny enough, adventurous enough or attractive enough, and I constantly compared myself to those around me.
My sense of low self-worth & low self confidence kept me from stepping outside my comfort zone. I preferred to play small, fly under the radar and found friendships in those early years very confusing.
When I gave birth to my own daughter I was scared...
How could I possibly raise her to love herself & believe in herself when I didn't even know how?
Our children are our greatest healers & little did I know my journey to self-love had only just begun...
Since 2014 I've helped over 1000 girls + many more women on their journey from sinking self-love to soaring self-love!
As a parent I know how it feels to want the BEST for your daughter and that's why I've spent years running & perfecting my programs.
It's been the best journey I've had so far!

Give your daughter the gift of unshakeable Self-Love and Self-Worth so no matter what happens in her life, she knows she's ALREADY ENOUGH exactly as she is.

See your daughter feel empowered from within and be brave enough to chase her dreams and strive for her goals. No longer hiding and holding herself back out of fear.

Watch your daughter grow and blossom into the person she was born to be. A person who has a strong sense of self & thrives in all conditions, rather than just survives.


A powerful, interactive & fun 8 week online program to empower your daughter from the inside out!

Roaring Resilience
Here's what you'll learn:
- What is Resilience
- Learning how to bounce or splat
- Fantastic Failures & Managing Mistakes
- Weekly fun art & craft activity
- PLUS Guest Expert Interview

Soaring Self-Esteem
Here's what you'll learn:
- Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset
- The Power of Yet
- Strengthening our Self-Esteem
- Weekly fun art & craft activity
- PLUS Guest Expert Interview

Warrior Within
Here's what you'll learn:
- Understanding Anxiety
- Where does worry come from?
- Getting friendly with our Warrior within
- Fun weekly art & craft activity
- PLUS Guest Expert Interview

Brave Bodies
Here's what you'll learn:
- Understanding how worry feels
- Learning how our brain keeps us brave
- Our body body signals and superpowers
- Fun weekly art & craft activity
- PLUS Guest Expert Interview

Erupting Emotions
Here's what you'll learn:
- Understanding emotional intelligence
- Why we have emotions
- How emotion feels in our body
- Fun weekly art & craft activity
- PLUS Guest Expert Interview

Calm Conversations
Here's what you'll learn:
- Understanding our emotional triggers
- Name it to tame it
- How to have healthy conversations
- Fun weekly art & craft actvity
- PLUS Guest Expert Interview

Attitude of Gratitude
Here's what you'll learn:
- How gratitude builds resilience
- How gratitude calms down our minds
- Why have an attitude of gratitude
- Fun weekly art & craft activity
- PLUS Guest Expert Interview

Magical Mindfulness
Here's what you'll learn:
- What is mindfulness
- Why is it so magical
- How we can practice mindfulness
- Fun weekly art & craft activity
- PLUS Guest Expert Interview
In their own words...

~ Very closed, always anxious
~ Very Stressed
~ Not confident
~ Mad
~ Scared & Overwhelmed
~ Insecure & Annoyed
~ Nervous
~ I felt of Anxiety
~ Worthless

~ Like a whole different person, I feel confident!
~ I feel amazing!
~ I feel happy & brave
~ I feel a lot better & more loved
~ I feel peaceful & joyful
~ I feel happy & confident
~ I feel confident, brave & important
~ I feel ALOT better!
~ I feel like I have bloomed like a flower!

This program has given us our happy daughter back and Sophie is actually sad the sessions are over. She just loved it! After spending hundreds of dollars on psychologists, this has by far been more worthwhile than all the other professional visits. We are so forever grateful & can't thank you enough!

The girls just finished the first weeks worth of lessons & loved it!! It was so great to see them engaged, talking to each other & sharing their feelings. I've also loved sharing my experiences & prioritising time to sit with them each week to learn together. You are magic in human form, the course is amazing!

Nyia has absolutely LOVED this course! We missed one session because she volunteered to read to a massive audience at school, it's the bravest thing we have seen her do! Having access to the online course allows us as a family to revisit it but the extra monthly zoom calls once the program finishes is cream on top!

Jazmine is really enjoying the program! She has learnt to be more brave and had two weeks in a row where she played a full game of netball & won most improved and player of the day! Jazmine is really going to miss talking to the girls when the program is finished as she feels like she is supported & not alone in the weekly group calls.

I'm Angela Nicole,
Mother of 2 awesome human beings & step-mother to 5 more!
I'm passionate about raising the mindsets of our girls & empowering Mums to do the same.
I believe that self-love is the best kind of love & when we heal ourselves, we change generational patterns.
Let's heal our ownself-doubt & empower our girls together!
Easy to watch weekly parent videos explaining every lesson, what your daughter will be learning and how you can implement it at home!
Receive extended access to the program for your entire family. This means you can go over lessons again & other siblings can learn these powerful lessons too!
Access to our Private Facebook Community where you can ask questions, share experiences & feel supported in a safe village!

Leonie Dawson - Best Selling Author & Artist
ADHD, Autism, Authentic Self-Love & the benefits of a Low Tech Home.

Kerry Rowett - Kinesiologist
Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem & the importance of nurturing our children's intuition.

Jessica Donovan - Natural Super Kids Naturopath
The importance of building up our children's immune system & the links between gut health & mental health.

Natasha Kiemel-Incorvaia - Psychologist
Anxiety & how to manage our own self-care & support our daughters mental health.

Susan Williams - Eating Disorder Specialist
Susan is a Non-Diet Dietician who is passionate about teaching the importance of a body safe home & the language to use.

Monique Dickson - Cycle & Hormone Specialist
The importance of understanding our hormones, our cycles & modelling self-care to our daughters.
Plus many more!
In their words...

"You are so kind and always have the best advice! You are an amazing listener and I trust you."
CLEO - Student

"Angela is the best self-love teacher ever! Don't be nervous doing any of Angela's programs, she is amazing!"
HAYLEE - Student

"Someone I have so much respect for because of your confidence to help girls & your respect for others"
FLO - Student

"You're really nice and have helped me alot. I'm going to miss these sessions"
AMY - Student

"Prior to attending one of your programs Aria was having difficultly forming meaningful friendships, she was bullied for having a sister with special needs and for her parents being divorced. Her self esteem and confidence was at an all time low.
In the last 12 months I have had the pleasure watching Aria blossom into a self confident young women who is willing to try new things, has formed meaningful friendships, has shown resilience in difficult situations, has stood in front of a hall full of people to sing a solo in an end of year dance production to name a few.
Today I had the pleasure watching Aria public speak in front of her whole school, peers, teachers and parents whilst she was awarded school counsellor badge, which is voted in by her peers and teachers.
I am so proud of all of Aria achievements but throughout this journey Aria has stayed true to herself and continues to be inclusive, compassionate, empathic, honest and caring.
I wanted to say thank you for providing Aria with the tools, the knowledge and the realisation that she can and will blossom when you believe in and love yourself!
Thank you x "

Money back guarantee within the first 7 days. If for any reason you are unsatisfied with the online program within the first 7 days, you are eligible for a full refund.
This program offers your daughter the tools to empower herself with the knowledge that she has everything already within to blossom & bloom into the person she was born to be. Your daughter will feel strong, confident, empowered & have a true sense of self-love and self-worth by the end of this program.

This beautiful 8 week program will take you and your daughter through step by step to teach her how to have roaring resilience, soaring self-love, magical mindfulness & much much more!